Photos and Another Rehearsal
Published Thursday, January 18, 2007 by Starry Saltwater Rose | E-mail this post

Rehearsal PhotosPhotos are now viewable at Picasa Web Albums.
Click for photos from rehearsal on December 20, 2006 (
Click here for slideshow)
Click for photos from rehearsal on January 17, 2007 (
Click here for slideshow)
Rehearsal 1.17.07
It was warm. Small, but warm, which is a step up from the Shelton Avenue Studio
. We focused on scenes 2, 4 and 6. We've finally gotten to the meat of rehearsing. My revisions are done. Blocking was laid down at the 12/20/06 rehearsal. Maria (Ayla) and Jeremy (Kevin) were pretty much off book. We got into the why and the how and motivations and what is being expressed. It was great. And it's funny, because a lot of Dana's (director) comments discussing what Ayla is feeling are so dead on. I mean, uncannily. Like he's inside my head. Dana was really pushing chemistry between Ayla and her boys, which is really interesting to see
how he does that. I was pleased. I'm starting to get really excited that this story is going to show what I want it to. Rehearsal again on Saturday!
Oh, and we've replaced Lindsay with someone named Susan. I guess we'll meet her on Saturday. I'm just relieved that we have someone. Opening night is only 23 days away!
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