Well, we had two rehearsals last week, which lead to an intensive revision session this morning, mostly.
The first rehearsal was totally anxiety-inducing, not because of anything in particular that happened, but because I was hearing it for the first time. Monday, we started at the studio space on Shelton, but without heat, it turned out to be less than comfortable. We went to Jeremy's (who is playing Kevin) apartment, which was much warmer and read through the play again, stopping to edit. Only Jeremy and Maria (playing Ayla) were there from the cast, Rob (Jamie/Joe) being sick and Lindsay (Valeri/Danielle) being in Japan.
Wednesday we were back at Jeremy's apartment, which had no power for the first half of rehearsal. Candlelit rehearsals are only okay when you don't have to do much reading. The power came back eventually, and we continued through editing and reading.
Both nights, I stayed an absurd amount of time after at Jeremy's place, talking with Maria and Jeremy. Maria tells ridiculously funny jokes, many of which I have shared with the general public. Jeremy, on the other hand, while funny, had some interesting bits of creativity that helped me with my revision. It's been a
really long time since I've sat and chatted theater with people, so it's really nice. I miss school a little bit. Except when I'm with my actors, I feel like my opinion matters, unlike theater class sections, where I never knew if my views were valid.
Anyway, I took the morning off work today to finish my revisions (I was up to my elbows in Christmas cookies this weekend, which took longer than expected). I made a revision with only "approved" edits, then did a revision with things I'd like to see. I gave them to Dana (the director) today and we'll see what he thinks.
We'll see.